Hello, welcome to my blog at "myfatherandi.net"! Hope this day marks the beginning of many new relationships and even more great conversations. This is a big step out into the unknown, for me, a public obsevation of my own private experiences. But, oh well, guess we're all real people underneath our outward facade. I found this picture in my photos, kinda says how I feel, steppin out into a whole new world.
Following your dream does have it's challenges, but when followng God's call, is your dream, the rewards far out way the cost!
My plan is to use this site to make my writings available to whomever might be interested, a place of hope, and a place of relationship. Don't be afraid to post comments because this is supposed to involve you not just me. I plan to place a new post every monday so check back, you never know what you might read:)
Speaking of dreams;
Dreams are meant to inspire and motivate us, not dominate and control us. I spent a lot of years focused on attaing my goals and dreams, to the point of allowing my dreams (or goals) determine my quality of life. See, the dirty little secret is, if your are not content with your place and quality of life right now, you will not be so when you've reached the point you've established as success. If you can't enjoy an evening playing croquet with your kids now, you won't be able to enjoy it when you've finnished the last project on your list. To many springs slipped away while I was to busy bringing everything up to my level of satisfaction. Then one evening I would look around and realize I had missed the oportunity to enjoy the very thing I desired.
The same thing can be the result of our lives, having a dream gives us motivation toward a future hope. But if that dream becomes so large in our eye's that it blocks out the here and now, then it will be empty when we attain it.
If you think about it, spending your life to reach a specific level of success and security, is hardly worth the twenty years you lost getting there.
I pray God gives you a vison, but most of all I pray He gives you joy in the process!
John Beery @myfatherandi.net