Friday, October 14, 2011

Looking Glass

 As a child, I’d heard the story of Snow White and how the wicked queen would  appear before her looking glass and vainly ask, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?”

But I never dreamed a simple looking glass would teach me an eternal lesson.

One day, before I knew the Lord personally, I peered into the mirror of God’s Word. I was confronted with every wart in my soul. All I could see was my sinful condition. I was full of anger, resentment, and self-pity. Without Christ in my heart, I was hopelessly lost. 

As I took the time to evaluate the pitiful shape I was in, I recognized I was totally depraved and had a self-destructive bent. My fallen condition, coupled with the fact that I was controlled by dark forces, blinded me and held me hostage. I was bound in sin’s prison and unable to discover true peace, joy, and fulfillment. I was stuck in the slimy pit of despair. I’d attempt to climb out but couldn’t help myself.

Then one day God breathed into my dark soul. “Let there be light.”

I knew the time had come for me to move to higher ground. 

I felt God’s voice speak to me again. “Will you walk close to me, John? I can help you walk in total victory if you surrender your life completely to Me!”

“Yes, Lord! I surrender.”

The searchlight of the Holy Spirit shone in the dark corners of my heart. The walls I had selfishly erected crumbled at my feet, and His light poured in and through me.

In my mind’s eye, I envisioned a picture of clear glass with the sunlight shining through it. No dark spots, nothing hid from the light, perfectly transparent. The light traveled uninterrupted completely through. Yet the glass was warm to touch because as the light passed through it, heat was absorbed by the glass. And yet the light was not hindered or deflected. Not creating the light, not reflecting light, not blocking light, but allowing the light to shine through uninterrupted and untainted in its golden, heavenly purity.

As His Spirit ministered to my spirit, I was filled with emotion. “This is a perfect example of how a Christian should be a channel of God’s light to this dark world.”

God’s pure light shining through us and illuminating only what God desires to be seen. Not reflecting, as a mirror, back to God what He already has, which is divine knowledge. Not deflecting God’s light through our own will and understanding or blocking out the passage of God’s Light through us, but letting God’s light flow through us freely.

Maybe the following story will make my point clearer to you.

The Little Looking Glass
The looking glass sat on a shelf all alone in a dark and lonely room rarely entered. In gloom and desperation he cried, “I am worthless and hopeless!” The little mirror blinked to keep a tear from falling from his eyes. “I am rusty enough without my tears adding more sorrow to my miserable existence.”

As the grandfather clock struck midnight, the mirror continued his pitiful rant. “I know I’m getting to be quite an antique, but I’m sure I am still quite useful!” He paused briefly and frowned. “Well, there’s not been a reflection of anyone’s face for many years and not much hope of ever being one if I don’t find some way down off of this shelf.” 

The looking glass examined his surroundings. He rolled his eyes when he spied the stacks of boxes covered in dust and the dim light bulb swinging to and fro in a mesmerizing way. “I’m getting dizzy looking at that old light bulb.”

A gust of wind whipped through a crack in the old window up front and spun the light bulb about.  

I wander where that crack came from, the looking glass thought. I’ve never even noticed that light bulb dangling from the ceiling before. In fact, there has not been light in this room for years, ever since the window was boarded over.

As he sat feeling unused, unneeded, forgotten, and lonely, he whimpered, “Why am I here? What is my purpose?” 

Whoooooosh! Suddenly a breeze shot through the room. The gust passed across the face of the little looking glass. In a state of shock, he wobbled from side to side and was hurled through space. “I’m falling!”

Craaaash! Craaaack! The looking glass lay very still on the cold floor. “Oh great! First, I was forgotten up on a shelf and covered with dust, and now I have a huge crack. If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all!”

He lay on the floor and pouted. “Life isn’t fair! What have I ever done to be treated so cruelly?” Tears of self-pity left streaks on the dusty glass as they slid down his face. 

Just when he thought things couldn’t get any worse, he tried to move. Panic gripped him. I’ve broken my back!  

The one part of him that boosted his self-esteem and gave him a sense of significance was now broken in two.

“Nobody will ever be able to pick me up again!”  

The sound of footsteps jolted the looking glass. Someone is coming.

“Anybody home?” The voice of a young boy echoed in the large room. Soon another boy appeared.

The first boy stammered nervously, “I didn’t mean to throw the rock through the window. Really I didn’t!”

“Yeah, but you did!” the other boy shot back. “And now you’re going to be in big trouble with a capital T when Old Man Jones sees this.”             

“What are we gonna do?”

“What do you mean ‘we?’ I didn’t throw that rock. You did!” The young man’s eyes widened as he scanned the room. “This building has been shut up for more than twenty years. Nobody comes in here since Old Man Jones’s wife died.  I heard my ma say that everything in here belonged to his wife, and he does not have the heart to come in here anymore, even after twenty years.” 

“You still haven’t answered my question. What am I going to do?”

“I don’t know. You’ve got yourself into this mess and you’re gonna hafta be the one to get yourself out. I’m outta here.”

A tear trickled down the young lad’s cheeks and fell on the looking glass, lying on the floor. He stared expressionless at it and then suddenly reached out and swept the looking glass up.

“I know what I will do!” he cried as he held the mirror over the crack in the window and laughed in relief. “This looking glass will solve all my problems!” He pressed the looking glass tight against the window, covering the crack. After he quickly wedged it in the broken backing, he ran outside to see his handiwork. 

“Perfect fit! The looking glass matches the window perfectly! Old Man Jones never has to know.” With a relieved smirk on his face, the vandal dashed away. 

The looking glass opened his eyes and gasped in amazement. “I can’t believe it. I am no longer  stuck on a shelf, and I have a great view of the street from here.”

The fact he was being used to cover a little boy’s careless mistake didn’t dampen his momentary joy. “Surely now people will stop and look at me! Reflections will once again fill my face and I will have purpose.” 

Month after month the looking glass hung in the window and considered his new position. As the breezes blew across his face, the dust fell off, and a shimmer returned to the mirror. “I’m beginning to feel like my old self again. For the first time in years, I feel I have a future.”

But providence in the life of a looking glass is not always kind, and his joy was dashed even before the sun rose the next morning. The wind beat against the window and the looking glass wobbled back and forth repeatedly until a final blast sent him reeling to the ground below.

“Help! I’m falling. Oh, this can’t be good,” the little looking glass cried as he crashed on a sidewalk below. “I can’t believe this is happening! I finally held a position of purpose after twenty years of waiting—and now this!”

The looking glass was only a piece of glass in a frame. There was no mirror to peer into now.

“I will never be noticed now! I am worthless!”

In utter despair, he closed his eyes and succumbed to silence, his heart as shattered as the glass he once held. 

The next morning, hope rose with the dawn. Just as the sun was coming up in the east and the rays of light slowly arched over the nearby buildings, his heart began to fill with hope. 

“Maybe . . . just maybe . . . ” His eyes opened with a flash of promise, but then a wave of sickness swept over him when he reminisced about the horrific circumstances that brought him to this pitiful place. “I am useless, just an insignificant piece of someone’s leftover junk for sunlight to penetrate an otherwise dark building. But he did have to admit he enjoyed the feeling of warmth the sunrays made as they slid effortlessly through him. But I still have no purpose. 

The sound of footsteps approaching interrupted his thoughts. It’s him. It’s that same boy who threw the rock through the window! What could he want?

The young man tiptoed toward the looking glass shattered on the ground.               

“He’s looking at me! He’s looking at me!” But his excitement turned to sorrow. “I have no mirror. He is looking through me, not at me.”           

The lad stepped forward and brushed the tears from the broken looking glass’s face. Several more people and the local parson from the country church stopped to see why the little boy was so excited and stood gazing at the weathered looking glass[kb1] . 

Parson Scott shouted, “Son, go get Mr. Jones real quick like. He’s got to see this.”

The young fella shook the parson’s hand and galloped to Mr. Jones’s home-place, never fearing what the old man might say about the broken glass. “Mr. Jones, you’ve got to come with me to your old building. There’s something very important I want you to see.”  

Mr. Jones took a sip of his morning coffee. “Young man, I have no interest in returning to the painful past. There are some things I wish to forget and not resurrect.”

“I know you’ve had your heart cut right out of your chest, Mr. Jones, but this is nothing short of miraculous. I think it’s a wink from heaven just for you.”

“Oh, I can tell you will give me no peace until I do what you say.” Mr. Jones tossed his napkin on the table. “Now just where is this “God wink” you’re all riled up about?”

The young man hollered over his shoulder, “Follow me and I’ll show you.”

When they arrived, everyone stepped back to let the old man look through what was once his wife’s prized looking glass but now was simply a window into the heart of an old man’s past. Slowly the old man stooped and peered into the little looking glass. A hush fell over everyone standing there. The old man said nothing, but his hands began to shake, and a tear slid down his cheeks. “I can’t believe it!”

As the suns golden sunrays slid effortlessly through the looking glass, it lit upon an object basking it in pure rays of heaven itself. There in the circle of heaven’s golden light lay a sparkling pendant of gold with diamonds and ruby’s surrounding its elegant frame. In the middle of this glory were two young faces beaming in joy as their lips were pressed together. Across the bottom, two words were inscribed in gold—together forever.

Hot tears stung the old man’s eyes. “That’s a picture of me and my wife.”

The parson placed his arm on Mr. Jones’s shoulder. “It seems to me the good Lord wanted to send you a little note from heaven. Your wife is with the Lord, and the Lord is with you. You’re really not that far apart. There’s just a veil between you.”

“Mr. Jones, I have a confession to make.” The young boy inched his way closer and pulled out a few dollars from his pocket. “I accidentally threw a rock through your window and broke it, and I want to pay for the damages.”

The old man eyed the crinkled bills. “I appreciate you telling me, boy. But I think the Lord is trying to get a message across to me today. He has my full attention.”

Peering over his glasses, the parson asked, “And what exactly is the message?”

Mr. Jones stood tall and replied, “We don’t need to see through people. We need to see people through.”  

The young lad held up the broken looking glass and said, “Well, this looking glass has taught me a valuable lesson—It is not what people see on the outside of us that matters. It’s what people see in us that really changes lives. 

 [kb1]I get the picture the boy and looking glass are still in the attic. How did other people see them?

Friday, July 22, 2011

Letter to a Child

One Way Boulevard
Celestial City, Heaven  77777

My Precious Child,

            You are always in my watch and care. You make me smile as I watch your life and see your life constantly bringing honor to My name. Thank you for making Me look good.
I cannot wait for the day when we will be together forever. I long for that day, but first I have a few assignments for you. While you are busy working on earth, I will be busy in heaven putting the finishing touches on a mansion I have built just for you. You should see this amazing picture of craftsmanship! It’s magnificent!
I know how you love the mountains and the ocean. I took six days to create the earth and you have been awestruck by its beauty. You are continually commenting about the awesomeness of creation. Well, I am taking even more time to prepare your eternal home in heaven, so you can imagine how marvelous your forever home is going to be. Eyes have never seen nor have ears heard the marvelous things I have in store for you.
Oh, I know you would have liked to build the mansion yourself, and in a sense, you have. I’ve been keeping good records on your life. After you were saved by grace, I instructed my most proficient craftsmen to build this mansion based on the dedication and quality of work you are doing for My kingdom on earth. Your labor of love has not gone unnoticed, and it has translated into more than you could ever imagine. 
            Every time I look at your mansion, I get excited. It is exquisite. It stands five stories tall and has huge stone pillars with various levels of balconies at different locations around the palace. The towers at each corner are topped with golden roofs. The pillars are covered in gold and have rings of diamonds around them. The tall arched windows wrapped around it let in a constant glow of light that splashes on the beautiful hardwood floors. I have decorated each room with the most ornate furnishings.      
            Decorative pools and fountains fill the courtyards. The grass is lush and green and I have planted huge beds of flowers, even hanging gardens that cascade from the surrounding balconies. Numerous trees, straight and sturdy, are spread out over your estate, with a small lake tucked at the edge of a grove of fir trees. On one side a magnificent willow sways in the light breezes. I’ve had the lake stocked with a variety of species of fish, and I even had a sailboat built just for you. 
            Your eternal estate is surrounded by lush green hills speckled with wildflowers. You’ll find the top of the hills covered in groves of firs and cedars, and the powdery peaks are always dusted with freshly fallen snow. Don’t let the white snow frighten you. It’s not the same type of cold snow you saw on earth. It’s mainly for decoration and has no deadly chill when you touch it.
            In the Celestial City, the temperature never drops below 70 degrees and never rises above 75. The water is always warm to touch, but when it passes over your lips, it becomes cool and refreshing.
            I’ve arranged for you to have at your beck and call a large number of the most majestic horses in My kingdom. I look forward to many long rides together. 
            I cannot wait to see the joy on your face as we stand on the bluffs overlooking the sea and listen to the sound of the waves crashing.
When you arrive, we will walk together through the gardens and sit in one of your beautiful courtyards, all the time in the presence of your forever friends. In my house, I have many mansions and plenty of room for all who call upon My name. And while I look forward to spending time, just the two of us in conversation, I most certainly am looking forward to meeting your friends and watching you enjoy their company in this awesome place. 
            Words are inadequate to describe your new home and I’m not even finished preparing for your arrival. I can’t wait to see the expression on your face when you see all the surprises I have in store for you. You can be confident of this—if you give a cup of water in My name, I will reward you. I promise to bless you for every labor of love you perform for Me. Keep being faithful to My name. I don’t expect perfection. I will bless your efforts as you continue to grow in my ways. You must hold fast to the right, hold up your shield of faith, and endure hardness as a good soldier because your adversary is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.
            I know you would like to come home now, but that would mean sacrificing all the friendships you have yet to make and relationships you have yet to build. And besides your mansion is not finished yet, when your work is done your mansion will also be done and I am looking forward in great anticipation for that day!
            Be faithful to my name, My child, and never quit growing in my ways!  The day you begin to trust in your own wisdom and to ignore my directions is the day the work on your mansion will cease.
            Do not try to build a mansion there; if you do I will be forced to give your mansion here to another.  They who build mansions in that life and begin to live in riches, while ignoring the work they were put there to do, show themselves unworthy of my Kingdom.  Do not sacrifice what you can have for all eternity for a few short years of luxury and pleasure in that life.
            You see, if you become comfortable in that world, your comfort will transition into weakness, weakness into apathy, and apathy into death.  Not the death that brings you to me but the death that takes you from me. 
As you spend time in My presence, I will stamp my image on your heart. People will see Me through your life of humility and love. You are My hands and feet.
You must be wise as a serpent, but harmless as a dove, because the wicked one is going to set traps for you. Be alert. Don’t allow the great deceiver to slow you down.
My child, do not be a people pleaser. You play only to the audience of One. Don’t get too attached to your surroundings. You’re not going to be there long. You’re a day closer to home than you were yesterday.
Don’t hoard treasures while living on earth. Lost souls receive their reward on earth and have no rewards in the Celestial City. They collect a lot of stuff, trust in their riches, and have a false security. They prepare for retirement but aren’t prepared for eternity. Don’t be deceived. Store your treasures in heaven.
I have an assignment for you during your journey on earth. I want you to have eternal perspective and heavenly vision. You are to march to the beat of a heavenly drum. I will provide all you need and even give you special blessings along the way, but your greatest rewards will come after you cross chilly Jordan. I will be waiting for you.
Don’t be too comfortable there. Minister my love to the ones I send your way. Spread sunshine to others and tell Me the rest. My yoke is easy and My burden is light. I will never leave you nor forsake you. There will be days you cry, but I will not leave you comfortless. Your weeping may endure for a night, but My joy will come and fill you to overflowing in the morning.
            Be strong, my child. I have confidence in you. I will never lose faith in you. When I was knitting you together in your mother’s womb, I anointed you to be completely mine. Remain faithful. Keep my face constantly before you. Don’t grow weary in the work of love. The dark world is craving authentic light. Shine for Me. Show them the way to the Celestial City. You may be the only Bible they will read.
            I love you with all My heart and I can’t wait until you get home.

            See you soon.


Monday, June 6, 2011

The Rich Fool

               One day a rich man stood on a hill overlooking a beautiful city. Sunbeams splashed on the streets below and glistened in the morning sun.  Pleasant fragrances wafted through the air. The young man took a deep breath and sighed, “Fresh air is good for the body and the mind.”

A slight grin appeared on the man’s lips as he listened to the happy laughter of the people sitting on their porches chatting with one another. Down the block from the visiting neighbors, he spotted other people busy working. He stroked his beard and mumbled to himself, “They all look so happy and content even in the midst of hard work.”  

               The man edged forward for a closer look. His eyes widened in disbelief when he spied  the elegant estates on manicured grounds. They were everywhere and on every street. There was no poverty in the city, but all the streets were lined with mansions, private rose gardens, decorative  fountains, and majestic oak trees planted on the lush lawns. 
It looks like that mansion is vacant. He squinted his eyes and stood on his tiptoes, his mind was buzzing with ideas. I have more than enough money to purchase that mansion. All I have back home is empty and void compared with these estates.

 The man already lived in a palace, but his servants despised him, his wife hated him, and all his children rebelled against him. He lived in a lonely world of wealth. His “friends” only stuck around because of his riches, and everyone was trying to maneuver a plan to steal some of his money.
Nobody in this city lives as I do, with such discontent and contention. People always seem to be enjoying themselves to the fullest.  The man’s brow furrowed. He drummed his fingers on his chest. “I don’t even see any servants running to and fro, serving and caring for the mansions, and yet their lawns are perfect!” 
For two decades the man had been the wealthiest man in his country. Everyone envied him. His name and business were mentioned by everyone in the surrounding communities regularly. He was plagued by politicians hounding him and the public insisting he attend their parties, but he discerned their motives. They only care about me because I am rich.
As he stood on the hill admiring the mansion he wanted to buy, a ragged and poor man climbed up the hill and stood beside him. The rich man was indignant. “Who do you think you are? The audacity of someone of your caliber standing in close proximity of a high-class individual like me!” 
“Pardon me for intruding.” The poor man smiled sweetly. “I come up here to admire my mansion every day just as you do.”

“You have a mansion?” The rich man’s belly shook with laughter.

“The king is going to one day come and take me to the city. He designed a mansion just for me, and I will live there forever!” The poor man’s grin grew larger despite the rich man’s condescending attitude. “I will never be poor again, and the king promises me a new wardrobe too.”

The rich man rolled his eyes. “You’ve been reading too many fairytales.”

“No, I can’t read. I’ve never had much schooling. I had to help my mother make ends meet after my father died.” The poor man brushed a tear from his cheek. “But the king promised that all the pain from my childhood, my imperfections, and all my sins would be washed away. I will be a new man and live in the presence of the architect of that city forever.”
               “Dreamer!” The rich man scoffed at the poor man’s words, but their conversation was interrupted by an unexpected visitor.

“His Majesty!” The poor man bowed low to the ground.

The king lifted the poor man to his feet and gave him a big hug. “It’s so good to see you again.”

“I was just telling my new friend about you, Your Highness!” The poor man pointed to the arrogant rich man. “He wants a mansion in your city too!”

The rich man’s spine stiffened. “I am willing to pay any price for that mansion. I’m ready to seal the deal today!”
“Money cannot buy the mansions in my kingdom.” The king shook his head and put his arm around the poor man. “Besides, the mansion you are inquiring about already has an owner.”  
“You mean the mansion he wants to buy is mine?” The poor man kissed the king’s hand and counted his blessings again. “Oh, thank you, Your Majesty.”

“Welcome home, my child. Enter into the land I have created for you and take residence in the mansion I have built for you.” The king’s eyes danced with excitement. “I saw all the sacrifices you made. I was pleased when you gave your heart and soul to me.”

“Your Majesty, it has been an honor to serve you.”

“I watched you give all your money, your time, and your service to the needs and betterment of your fellow man. And whatever you did, you brought glory to my name.” The king presented the poor man with a new robe. “You have lived like a pauper these past few years, but now you will be rich forever.”

               The rich man stammered and stuttered. “But what about me?”

“You fool, you chose to horde your wealth, ignoring the needs of those around you. You only provided for your own selfish desires.” The king pointed accusingly at the stunned rich man. “Now you will return to your false wealth and find it has disappeared. The people you called your friends have also deserted you. You will spend eternity in want and need, serving a king you cannot please and working a task you cannot finish.”

The rich man hung his head in shame but could not utter a word.

The king turned his attention to the poor man. “You will never know another need in this life but shall live eternally in great pleasure.”

The poor man couldn’t stop thanking the king for all he had done for him.  

The king gave the rich man one final warning, “You,  oh rich man, should have given your heart and soul to me. Then you would have served me and given freely to others, living in simplicity and selflessness for two decades. You would have received everlasting life and eternal blessings!” 
               Moral of the story:  What fools we are, pursuing intently the things that could keep us on the outside the City of Life! 

Monday, May 9, 2011

My God, Why hast thou forsaken me?

Why Am I Forsaken?

               “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me . . . forsaken me . . . forsaken me?” My voice echoed off the canyon walls, so feeble I almost failed to recognize it as my own. As I remembered the words of Jesus when He hung on the cross, I whimpered, “I am facing a Golgotha of my own.”

The darkness covering the sky seemed to eclipse my soul as well. The air was stale and heavy, not even a hint of a cool breeze. The suffocating heat made me weak. I couldn’t breathe.

The sweat from my brow and the tears from my eyes mingled and drizzled into my mouth. The bitter taste made me wince and upset my stomach. Weakness overwhelmed me and I yearned for release.

“Death, where are you?” I choked and almost slipped into unconsciousness.

A sinister laugh brought me to my senses. An evil one stood before me with hateful words spewing from his lips. With mocking tones, he taunted me. I flinched when he grabbed me, but I was too weak to escape his vise-like grip. “Ah! What’s the matter, my friend? Have you lost all your power?”

I didn’t respond to his deriding remarks.

“Now where is your God? He has abandoned you because you are worthless to him! You belong to me now!” The wicked one chuckled with delight and chanted in a singsong voice, “You failed! You failed! You failed! Darkness has prevailed because you have failed!” 

His echo pierced my soul, and I fought to turn my thoughts from his negative comments lest I believe his lies.

“Your God,”  he sneered, “has left you here to die, but don’t be afraid. I will take you with me to dwell with my friends.” He roared with delight, and his laughter reverberated off the walls in a deafening sound. “Now curse your God and die! Curse him for leaving you.”
I gasped for air and cried in despair, “My God, my God , why have you forsaken me?”

               Light pierced the sky, descending in brightness until it penetrated the canyon where I lay. An angel of God, chiseled and mighty, stood by my side. I saw the power of the Almighty in his eyes. “Jehovah has sent me to strengthen you.”

“Where is Jehovah?” I whimpered.

The angel glared at the devil. “Jehovah has sent me to deal with you!”

Satan winced but didn’t back down. “So you come to interfere with me? This one is not worth your time!”

The angel waved a sword in the air. “Not so! This one belongs to Jehovah. He is not for sale. Jehovah bought him years ago. Once he purchases a soul, he does not relinquish it unless the soul desires it of him.” 

“Ah!” The devil arched his back and hissed, “But this one went astray!”
 “Liar! He did not stray.” The angel stood between my enemy and my battered, bleeding body. “Life brought him almost more than he had the strength to bear, but Jehovah has always been there. Now he is hovering over the precipice of death!”
The devil sneered and paced before me. “Ha! His God has left him here to die! Why does Jehovah wait so long to come and rescue him if he is so important?”          
The angel took a deliberate step toward the enemy. “Jehovah’s timing is perfect. He knows when to rescue and when it’s best to wait.” 

               The wicked one’s lip curled in anger. “You make it too easy for him, rescuing him in this difficult place.”
“Oh, darkened one, he is fully aware who is rescuing him.” The angel pointed toward heaven. “Each time Jehovah rescues souls from this veil of despair, they are deeply touched by his mercy and faithfulness to them. Their confidence in him grows and Jehovah builds within each one the strength needed for the next round because they realize their great need of him.”
My soul was strengthened when I reflected back to another time and another place. On Calvary’s Hill, the Son of God took his final breath and declared with all the strength he could muster, “It is finished!”

Suddenly, light split the hillside and the veil of the temple was torn in two. Wails could be heard throughout the crowd. A Roman soldier cried, “Truly this was the Son of God.”

Three days later, a large boulder rolled away from the tomb and Christ arose triumphant from the tomb. The enemy called death was crushed underfoot because the Son of God survived the test of faithfulness when his Father, who couldn’t bear to look at the sins of mankind that were placed upon his body, withdrew from his presence for a time. Death lost! Life won!

Jesus invites everyone reading the true account of his life to come to him today. He will give eternal life and rest for your souls.

And for those who fall into the valley of despair, the Father is only a prayer away. He will never leave you nor forsake you!

Everyone has to reach their breaking point and choose to believe in the promise of the Unseen, God is faithful but are we? 

Sunday, April 24, 2011


     Hello, welcome to my blog at ""!  Hope this day marks the beginning of many new relationships and even more great conversations.  This is a big step out into the unknown, for me, a public obsevation of my own private experiences.  But, oh well, guess we're all real people underneath our outward facade.  I found this picture in my photos, kinda says how I feel, steppin out into a whole new world.

        Following your dream does have it's challenges, but when followng God's call, is your dream, the rewards far out way the cost!   
        My plan is  to use this site to make my writings available to whomever might be interested, a place of hope, and a place of relationship.  Don't be afraid to post comments because this is supposed to involve you not just me.  I plan to place a new post every monday so check back, you never know what you might read:)
      Speaking of dreams;  
     Dreams are meant to inspire and motivate us, not dominate and control us.  I spent a lot of years focused on attaing my goals and dreams, to the point of allowing my dreams (or goals)  determine my quality  of life.  See, the dirty little secret is, if your are not content with your place and quality of life right now, you will not be so when you've reached the point you've established as success.  If you can't enjoy an evening playing croquet with your kids now, you won't be able to enjoy it when you've finnished the last project on your list.  To many springs slipped away while I was to busy bringing everything up to my level of satisfaction. Then one evening I would look around and realize I had missed the oportunity to enjoy the very thing I desired.
      The same thing can be the result of our lives, having a dream gives us motivation toward a future hope.  But if that dream becomes so large in our eye's that it blocks out the here and now, then it will be empty when we attain it. 
     If you think about it, spending your life to reach a specific level of success and security, is hardly worth the twenty years you lost getting there. 
       I pray God gives you a vison, but most of all I pray He gives you joy in the process! 

John Beery